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Being a parent is a lot of work, here is an idea for a AI which would help with it.

School and Kindergarten send out a lot of emails, information letters, etc. with a lot of text, in my case even in a language I don't speak. Most if it is nice to know but some parts need real action from the parents like buying some special clothes for special occasions, or signing up your child for something, or even joining for a meeting, etc. They assume that the...


jeena.netNote #1434
Raphael Lullis

@jeena I'm having this exact type of issue. I was thinking of how to hook up my email with a LLM to extract actionable items and event dates from all messages. Might be easy (easier?) to do with and .

@raphael @jeena

If your mail is managed in the #emacsverse (like mine which I manage with #mu4e) it's ridiculously easy to use capture templates for this. :)